Yah'ki Awakened Eye of Lotus Botanical Health Club
Master Herbalist

Yah’ki... a Spiritual Holistic Teacher, Master Herbalist, Crystal Healer, Musician and Positive Speaker for the Black Community. Yah’ki has developed a unique skill of merging biblical and ancient mystical principles into a scientific perspective. His mission is to show the Black Community their true identity and provoke self-awakening to excel in this reality. To execute his mission, Yah’ki promotes and demonstrates unity, love, health and self-awareness amongst his people.
Born in Alton, IL but reared in Saint Louis, MO, Yah'ki discovered a love for metaphysics, spirituality, and music as an adolescent. Witnessing the daily struggles of life ignited a passion within Yah’ki to pursue a career as a motivational speaker and musician. He was inspired to use his talents to uplift and empower others who may also be struggling. It was through these struggles and his determination to be proactive that Yah'ki realized the condition of his people was due to hard bondage, malnutrition, unhealthy diets, and lack of spiritual guidance. He associated numerous problems with mental illness, and ironically, his Holistic Journey to health recovery began.
Yah'ki jumpstarted his holistic journey by studying the psychological damage and state of mind of the people within his environment. He gained knowledge from notable black leaders such as Dr. Sebi, Dr. Afrika, Elder Moreh Shaleem, Dr. Ben Clark, and Dr. Amos N. Wilson, among others. Passionate about helping individuals through the use of herbs, speaking, and writing music, Yah'ki gave back to his community by establishing his own youth foundation, the "Black Messiah Project."
Today, he travels extensively to teach on various platforms within the black community. Yah’ki’s message of unity, love, health, and self-awareness resonates with many in the Black Community. His music and positive speaking have inspired countless individuals to pursue their dreams and live a healthier, more fulfilled life. Through his teachings, he hopes to empower the Black Community to take control of their own health and well-being, and to realize their true potential as powerful, divine beings.